Review – 7th National Telemedicine Congress, Berlin
![[Translate to Englisch:] Rückblick - 7. Nationaler Telemedizin Kongress in Berlin](/fileadmin/user_upload/News/Podiumsdiskussion_bearbeitet.jpg)
In a lively debate, moderated by Philipp Gratz von Grätzel (German journalist and author, Berlin), challenges and opportunities for Germany were discussed. The discussion showed the large innovative capacities of the country, however, also the need to push for progress in its practical implementation.
Online-consultation, telemedicine in disaster control, and telemedical service in retirement homes were only a few of the discussed topics. The auditorium was given the opportunity to contribute to the discussion at the end of each presentation.
For CHILI, the congress served as medium to present TKmed at out booth. The network connects medical facilities all over Germany with each other and provides a secure exchange of data that is compliant with data privacy. TKmed can save valuable time e.g. when patients have to be transferred from one clinic to another.