National and international publications and presentations by NEXUS / CHILI employees
The NEXUS / CHILI solutions are not only based on feedback from the customer, but also on scientific concepts that have been published by NEXUS / CHILI employees in national and international publications and lectures.
Engelmann U., Schwind F.
Image communication in medicine: From PACS to a nationwide e-health system
Kress B., Papendieck M., Engelmann U., Meyding-Lamade U.
Teleneurology for Jerudong Park Medical Center Brunei. An example of feasibility, workflow and network architecture for international hospital projects
Web-based distribution of radiological images from PACS to EPR
Lemke H.U., Vannier M.W., Inamura K., Farman A.G., Doi K., Reiber J.H.C. (eds.) CARS 2003. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition. Amsterdam: Elsevier (2003) p. 873-879.
Engelmann U., Schröter A., Borälv E., Schweitzer T., Meinzer H.P.
Mobile Teleradiology: All Images Everywhere
Lemke H.U., Vannier M.W., Inamura K., Farman A.G., Doi K. (Eds.): CARS 2001: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress and Exhibition. Amsterdam: Elsevier (2001) p. 798-803.