The NEXUS / CHILI solutions are not only based on feedback from the customer, but also on scientific concepts that have been published by NEXUS / CHILI employees in national and international publications and lectures.


Engelmann U., Schwind F.

Image communication in medicine: From PACS to a nationwide e-health system

In: Müller-Mielitz S, Lux T (Hrsg). E-Health-Ökonomie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (2017) 683-705.


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Multimedia image communication in medicine

HEALTH-CARE-COMPENDIUM. Trend-Guide Gesundheits-IT 2015 (2015). S. 62-63.

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Engelmann U.


Engelmann U., Schroeter A., Muench H., Bohn C., Meinzer H.P.

Current trends in PACS and teleradiology

In: Duesberg F. (Ed.) Solingen: e-Health 2011 (2010) S. 181-184.

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Engelmann U., Möller T. B., Schwind F.

Teleradiology: Radiology - Management - IT

Springer (2023)

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Weisser G., Walz M., Ruggiero S., Kämmerer M., Schröter A., Runa A., Mildenberger P., Engelmann U.

Standardization of teleradiology using Dicom e-mail: recommendations of the German Radiology Society

Eur Radiol. 16(3) 2006; S. 753-758.

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Engelmann U.


What teleradiologists need to know - state of the art and regulatory requirements

Radiologie und Technik. Jahreskatalog 2015. Finning: pn-Verlag 2015.

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Kress B., Papendieck M., Engelmann U., Meyding-Lamade U.

Teleneurology for Jerudong Park Medical Center Brunei. An example of feasibility, workflow and network architecture for international hospital projects

Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2015. S. 167-170.

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Wiesenauer M., Kutsche M., Scherer M., Marquardt K.H., Schröter A., Münch H., Engelmann U.

Telemedicine from the perspective of a hospital group - technical basics and routine experience

Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2013. S. 187-190.

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Schwind F., Münch H., Schröter A., Engelmann U., Weisser G.

A white paper on the administration and quality assurance of DICOM e-mail-based teleradiology networks

Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2013. S. 169-199.

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Schwind F., Münch H., Schröter A., Meinzer H.P., Engelmann U.

Quality assurance in heterogeneous teleradiology networks

Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2012. Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen. Solingen: Medical Future (2011) S. 218-221.

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Engelmann U., Seidel B.

DIN 6868-159: A standard for acceptance and constancy testing in teleradiology according to the X-ray Ordinance

In: Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2010. Solingen: medical future (2009) S. 51-54.

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Web-based image distribution

Engelmann U., Münch H., Schröter A., Meinzer H.P.

CHILI/Web: Hospital-wide image distribution from the electronic patient file

Jäckel A. (ed.): Telemedizinführer Deutschland, Ausgabe 2004. Ober-Mörlen: Deutsches Medizin Forum (2004) S. 170-174. 

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Münch H., Engelmann U., Schröter A., Meinzer H.P.

Web-based distribution of radiological images from PACS to EPR

Lemke H.U., Vannier M.W., Inamura K., Farman A.G., Doi K., Reiber J.H.C. (eds.) CARS 2003. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition. Amsterdam: Elsevier (2003) p. 873-879.

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Engelmann U., Poxleitner J., Muench H., Bohn C., Schroeter A.

CHILI/Mobile: Mobile radiology for doctor and PACS administrator

Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2014. S. 217-220.

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Engelmann U., Schweitzer T., Schröter A., Boräv E., Meinzer H.P.

Mobile teleradiology with CHILI

In: Jäckel A. (Hrsg.): Telemedizinführer Deutschland Ausgabe 2002.
Ober-Mörlen: Medizin-Forum AG (2001) S. 171-177.

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Engelmann U., Schröter A., Borälv E., Schweitzer T., Meinzer H.P.

Mobile Teleradiology: All Images Everywhere

Lemke H.U., Vannier M.W., Inamura K., Farman A.G., Doi K. (Eds.): CARS 2001: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress and Exhibition. Amsterdam: Elsevier (2001) p. 798-803.

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Schwind F., Münch H., Schröter A., Brandner R., Kutscha U., Brandner A., Heinze O., Bergh B., Engelmann U.

Long-term experience with setup and implementation of an IHE-based imagemanagement and distribution system in intersectoral clinical routine.

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

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Engelmann U., Schwind F.

Image communication in medicine: From PACS to a nationwide e-health system

In: Müller-Mielitz S, Lux T (Hrsg). E-Health-Ökonomie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (2017) 683-705.

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Kessel K., Bohn C., Engelmann U., Oetzel D., Bougatf N., Bendl R., Debus J., Combs S.E.

Five-year experience with setup and implementation of an integrated database system for clinical documentation and research

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 114 (2014). P. 206–217.

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Bougatf N., Kessel K., Oetzel D., Bohn C., Engelmann U., Bendl R., Debus J., Combs S.E.

Introduction of the ULICE study documentation system at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Centre

In proceeding of: GMDS 2012, Braunschweig; DOI:10.3205/12gmds119.

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Bougatf N., Kessel K.A., Bohn C., Combs S.E., Bendl R., Debus J., Engelmann U.

Web-based study documentation in particle therapy with the CHILI/Telemedicine File

Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2012. Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen. Solingen: Medical Future (2011) S. 205-215.

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Staemmler M., Walz M., Weisser G., Engelmann U., Luitjens K.D., Schmucker U., Sturm J.

TKmed - Telecooperation for inter-institutional care

Duesberg F. (Hrsg.): e-Health 2014. S. 217-220.

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Staemmler M., Walz M., Weisser G., Engelmann U., Weininger R., Ernstberger A., Sturm J.

Establishing End-to-End Security in a Nationwide Network for Telecooperation

In: Mantas J et al (Eds.): Quality of Life through Quality of Information. Proceedings of MIE2012. Amsterdam: IOS Press (2012) p. 512-516.

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