CHILI GmbH always follows national and international norms and standards, wherever applicable. Prime examples in our field include ISO 13485, DICOM, HL7 and the IHE Integration Profiles. In areas where no mandatory norms or standards have yet been established, CHILI GmbH is actively involved in developing new standards, as shown by the following examples.
Minimum standard for Teleradiology proposed by the DRG
Not only does CHILI GmbH support the standards proposed by the IT Working Group @GIT (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Informationstechnologie of the Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft DRG (German Radiological Society), but has been an active member of the working groups for many years.
The German minimum standard for teleradiology, DICOM E-Mail, for example, is based on what was originally a proprietary solution developed by CHILI, extended and standardized to make it universal and manufacturer-independent with the active involvement of CHILI employees.
CHILI participated in all Connectathons and has successfully demonstrated the compatibility of its interfaces.
The DIN Radiology Standards Committee
CHILI GmbH is active on the German Radiology Standards Committee (NAR), belonging to DIN.
Dr. Uwe Engelmann, one of the founders and co-partners of CHILI GmbH, is the leading member of the working group "AK1" of the AA4 standards committee at DIN for the preparation of a standard on Acceptance and Consistency Testing in Teleradiology in accordance with the German X-ray Ordinance (RöV) DIN 6868-159 (formerly DIN 6868-59).
Since fall 2014 Dr. Engelmann is the deputy chairman of the working group AA4/GA4 (Information Technology).
IHE-D: Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Deutschland e. V.
CHILI GmbH is a member of the IHE Deutschland e.V.
IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) is an initiative of healthcare experts aiming at improving the communication between IT systems and medical devices.
CHILI took part in IHE Connectathons and tested the compliance of CHILI-PACS system with other systems.
You can download the current Integration Statement here.
HL7 User Group in Germany (registered society)
CHILI GmbH is a member of the HL7 User Group in Germany (HL7 Benutzergruppe in Deutschland e.V.).
HL7 (Health Level 7) is a set of international standards for electronic exchange of medical, administrative and financial data among information systems in healthcare. These standards are defined by the organization which carries the same name. HL7 Deutschland is one out of approx. 40 national representations and works on the promotion and dissemination of the standard in Germany.
bvitg - Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT e. V. (Federal Association of Health IT)
CHILI GmbH is a member of that association.
bvitg e. V. represents the leading IT vendors in healthcare in Germany, up to 90% of whose products - depending on the segment - are used in the out-patient or in-patient sector, including rehabilitation, nursing care and social institutions. More than 70 per cent of companies operate on an international level.
gesundheitswirtschaft rhein-main e. V. (Health Economy Rhine-Main, registered society)
CHILI GmbH is a member of that society which is a network of approx. 170 members that would like to support the further development of the health economy potential in the Rhine-Main area, thus becoming one of the strongest healthcare regions in Germany. For this reason, it commits itself to quality, transparency and competition.
GMDS - The German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology
Many CHILI employees are members of the GMDS.
Of particular importance is the Working Group on Telemedicine(Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telemedizin), whose deputy chairman is one of the three co-founders and co-partners of CHILI GmbH.